I posted a Blog on December 16, 2010 titled What Is Display Calibration & Profiling? There were a number of comments posted and several were questions. So I asked our blog expert if there was any practical way for me to obtain copies of the comments and the address of the comment source. The answer was no.
So in this case I think the comments deserve their own blog, which will follow. However I want readers to have an opportunity to have their comment response or questions answered. So if you want the same thing then: COPY YOUR COMMENT INTO AN E-MAIL MESSAGE AND SEND IT TO DAVID B. BROOKS AT goofotografx@gmail.com. I will respond immediately.
Posted Fri Dec17, 2010, 1:29 PM — By Spyder3 Elite-Version 4
David, I have an 24 inch LG monitor and the Spyder2 colorimeter. Can I upgrade to a Version 4 or do I need to purchase a whole new Spyder3? Thank you Bert www.berthoferichter.com
Answer: Posted Thu Dec23, 2010, 7:00 PM — By David B. Brooks
Bert, If your 24 inch LG LCD display is a home/office model, then very likely the Spyder2 will work OK to calibrate and profile. David
Posted Tue Dec21, 2010, 3:22 PM — By DJ
I am glad you posted this...just starting to learn about calibration. Got a new computer & plan to do this for my monitor ASAP!
Answer: If you do digital photography an accurate adjustment, calibration and profiling of a display is essential. Many applications like Adobe’s, Corel’s, Apple’s are color managed so they depend on an accurate profile to display digital photos accurately.
Posted Wed Dec29, 2010, 11:41 AM — By ornanophy
Hi: I've been watching blog.shutterbug.com as being a lurker for some time now. I thought that I need to get involved and communicate with the individuals here. I'm hoping to connect with plenty of insightful people and discover some very good stuff. Hopefully this message is not in an inappropriate section. I am sorry if "Digital Camera Wish List" is unsuitable. - JAMAR MCDONALD Nuclear Fuels Research Engineer
Answer: Unfortunately the shutterbug Forum has not had much support. Personally I think it is because the magazine’s writers do not participate. Anyway my Digital Help function does require me to often continue extended e-mail conversations with interested readers. So be my guest, you are invited.
Posted Wed Dec29, 2010, 7:31 PM — By Diedrik Müller
I like the no-nonsence calibration of the NEC spectraview and the Spyder3 Express as reviewed in Shutterbug. What would you recommend me to buy: the NEC Spectraview or Flexscan with Spyder3 Express? I like the higher resolution of the FlexScan.
Answer: Sadly, although the Spyder3 Express is inexpensive the software will not measure White Luminance so the display cannot be adjusted for brightness. You have to have the Spyder3 Elite to get that capability. I personally own and use an Eizo Flexscan S2242W, and enjoy its excellent performance. I did not purchase a NEC Spectraview II for myself because it is proprietary. In other words exclusive, the Spectraview II display will not work with any other software but NEC’s Spectraview models, and Spectraview will not work with any other brand of LCD display. For me that is too limiting.
Posted Wed Jan12, 2011, 2:59 PM — By Jerry
Have just acquired a new Mac Mini and the Dell U2410 monitor. I calibrated using the Spyder3 Express with no problem. My question is how do I go about calibrating the monitor brightness to the 90 CD/m2 with this combination? Will really appreciate your help, thank you, Jerry
Answer: Jerry, you have a great hardware combination, the Mac Mini, a Dell Ultrasharp U2410 LCD display and a Spyder3 colorimeter. The one thing you need to add is software to go with your Spyder3 colorimeter to do the adjustment, calibration and profiling. What I use that provides superb performance is the ColorEyes Display Pro software from www.integrated-color.com. Expensive but worth it.
For comment responses and questions answered, send comments to David B. Brooks at goofotografx@gmail.com